- Nicht von Menschenhand -

- Nicht von Menschenhand - Das Wunder von Guadalupe -

Rätsel um den größten Wallfahrtsorte der Erde

- T H E  B O O K -

Erscheint im Herbst 2007 bei Silberschnur

In 1531 met an aztekischer native of Mexico called Juan Diego of the "virgin Maria" and was entrusted by her with a message. However, the first bishop of the " new world " gives no faith to the phenomena of the Mother of God. He demanded proofs - and got this!

The effigy of the mother of God shows the " Tilma of Guadalupe " and is till this day one of the holiest relics of the Marienverehrehrung. Model for almost all later picture of the Madonna. Their church in Mexico is the biggest pilgrim's site of the earth and everybody the 500 year-old effigy can see. Vatican has recently recognised not only the miracle, but also has canonised Juan Diego.

Numerous miracles are awarded the saint's picture and at that time eight million Aztecs passed to the Christianity. The science could not explain till this day the still colorful picture. Rather the investigations have far thrown up more questions and have deepened the mystery by new discoveries further.

Till this day the riddle of the " mother of Latin America " (pope Johannes Paul II) is unsolved and exists for everybody handy.

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Lars A. Fischinger
Nicht von Menschenhand
Das Wunder von Guadalupe und seine Geschichte / Rätsel um den größten Wallfahrtsorte der Erde und andere Reliquien
Silberschnur Verlag 2007, 232 S., ca. 60 Fotos & Abb.,  geb., ISBN 3898451747, 17,90 Euro