- Nicht von Menschenhand -

- Nicht von Menschenhand - Das Wunder von Guadalupe -

Rätsel um den größten Wallfahrtsorte der Erde

- P R E F A C E  O F  T H E  A U T H O R  -

On the 9th December 1531 the " mother of God " appeared to the Aztec Juan Diego in the today's Mexico City for the first time, gave him a message and sent him with it to the first bishop of the " new world ". This was the prelude to one of the biggest and still for each visible riddle of the world. A riddle which wrote world history.

The bishop prior Juan Zumárraga did not believe the man that the mother Maria has appeared to him. Also after an other meeting Diegos with the Mother of God he did not believe. The bishop required a sign, a miracle which should deliver the proof of the divine appearance to him. - And he got the demanded proof! It is a riddle scientific till this day and at the same time one of the holiest and from Vatican as really approved relics of the Christendom.

Juan Diego got from the Mother of God the order to bring flowers in his Tilma, an easy material cape of the natives at that time of Mexico, to the bishop. Before, however, the Aztec looked after his being dying uncle - however, this was cured in wondrous way. The first miracle of Guadalupe had happened.

When now Juan Diego with the flowers once more received an audience with the bishop prior Juan Zumárraga, the proof of the reality of the Marien's phenomena should occur. He opened his Tilma, dropped the flowers on the ground and at this moment happened the inexplicable mystery which wrote church history and world history! On the roughly weaved agave material suddenly appeared a colorful effigy of Maria, which mother Jesus Christus', from 142.24 centimetre size.

Up to the today this is to be admired as a "Tilma of Guadalupe" world-famous become relic in Mexico daily. As if she has originated only yesterday, she has lost nothing of her splendour. Already this is sensational, because agave fabrics never survive normally 500 years regardless of. Even a bomb attack about 75 years ago and nitric acid could wear of the Tilma nothing.

After appearance of the Marienwunderns on the fabric a religious dizziness went through completely Mexico. Eight million Aztecs converted to the Christianity, and Maria von Guadalupe was confirmed by Vatican and was explained to the protective patroness of Mexico.

One ascribes numerous miracles to the effigy of Maria. An epidemic with 700,000 deaths in Mexico ended, for example, straight away when the people prayed before the effigy. Vatican was alarmed and sent an investigation of the miracles and the effigy. Their result was unequivocal: It is of supernatural origin and with certainty no painting, because the slightest tracks of colour are not found in the fabric. Pope Johannes Paul II this development called a " unique process " of the history in his Mexico visit in 1979.

Also more modern investigations produced no answer. They threw up rather new questions and confirmed the supernatural origin of the Tilma of Guadalupe. In the eyes of the Marien's effigy even human persons appeared with precise investigations. As in a mirror the witnesses of the miracle of 1531 are to be seen there till this day. The company KODAK compared this to a photograph, however, had no explanation of it.

The different popes in distant Rome recognised not only the miracle as a real sign of God, allowed to crown it and make copies and statues of Maria von Guadalupe for Vatican, but also initiated the beatification process for the Aztec Juan Diego. Pope Johannes Paul II, even confessing Marien's admirer, beatified Juan Diego, in the end, and in 2002 holy. Johannes Paul II was also the first pope who visited the holy pilgrim's place Guadalupe personally and prayed there. He opened under the picture of the Madonna the third bishops' conference of Latin America. A proof of the value of the Tilma of Guadalupe in the church.

Differently than with many supposed phenomena of the Madonna in the world lies since 1531 in Guadalupe a handy proof of the wondrous events - not to explain academically, but to admire day by day in unbroken splendour. Guadalupe is, in the meantime, one the biggest place of pilgrimage of the earth with yearly nearly 20 million pilgrims, and till this day the water spring resulted in as wondrous way at the place of the phenomena deeply has religious meaning.

This book follows the tracks of the centuries to last, but still topical events. From the arrival of the Spaniards in the empire of the person-sacrificing Aztecs, about the academically not explicable miracles of the Tilma and their investigations till this day. Full of suspense like a historical-religious crime film, but till this day checkable.

The world holds ready many mysteries and riddles which can be often only supposed, however. However, in Guadalupe in Mexico a supernatural object of which millions people convince themselves yearly is to be admired till this day daily. The " mother of Latin America ", as pope Johannes Paul II called the Madonna's picture on the material, belongs to the biggest phenomenon of the science and could not be explained by this up to now.

Follow me now on the traces of a mystery ...

Lars A. Fischinger,

Mexico-City in the sping 2006

Lars A. Fischinger
Nicht von Menschenhand
Das Wunder von Guadalupe und seine Geschichte / Rätsel um den größten Wallfahrtsorte der Erde und andere Reliquien
Silberschnur Verlag 2007, 232 S., ca. 60 Fotos & Abb.,  geb., ISBN 3898451747, 17,90 Euro